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Finger is primarily used to provide information about players and creators. It returns information such as when they were last on, or since when they have been logged on for, how long they have been idle for (if at all), their real name, location, email address and birthday (if they entered them), how old their character is, what guild they are in etc. etc.
With no arguments finger will provide a list of who is currently on Epitaph giving their name, real name, location and birthday. The second field is [H]ighlord, [L]ord, [S]enior creator, [C]reator, [p]laytester. Normal players have no flag, and [X] means they are still logging in. It also shows when people are using [e]armuffs.
Finger can also be used to find out information about creator domains. In this context, finger will return who the director of the domain is, a brief description of the domain and a list of the creators in the domain and their current project.
Changing finger information
To change your finger information use the command chfn.
The wonderful .plan (and .project) can be set in your aliases, and can each be five lines long. ie to set your plan:
alias .plan And war? Well... war never changes.
The ;'s in your .plan will be expanded to newlines
Syntax Forms
fingerGet a quick list of online people.
finger <name|domain>View the detailed finger information for a player, creator, or creator domain.
Example one
> finger drakkos Login name: Drakkos Real name: Michael James Heron E-mail: drakkos@imaginary-realities.com Home directory: /w/drakkos Location: Livingston, Scotland Home Page: http://www.monkeys-at-keyboards.com Drakkos is a High Lord. Roles: Administrator and Domain Leader. Domains: Leader of the Admin domain. Leader of the Cemetery domain. Leader of the Game domain. Leader of the Support domain. First logged on Thu Dec 17 19:29:05 2009. 1 year, 219 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes and 3 seconds old. On since Mon Oct 3 23:46:45 2011 (12 hours, 27 minutes and 15 seconds). Idle for no time at all. 34 mail messages. Project: > bone some gnomes You know what? No. > just start nailin' tiny bitches Plan: And war? Well... war never changes.Example two
> finger Name Real name Where Birthday Draconius eL - - Unknown Drakkos eH Michael James Heron Livingston, Scotland Unknown Eek eL - - Unknown Hambone eL - - Unknown Hamlet eC Isaac Newton, MA 5th of July Ploosk eS Ben UK 1st of January
See Also: