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The history of your tells. It shows you the last few tells made to you by other people as well as the tells you made to them. If you add the parameter 'brief' it will not show the date and time of the tells. If you add the word 'search' followed by a name, it will only show tells to and from that specific person.
Syntax Forms
ht_ell brief search <name>Search your tell history for a particular name, and display in brief format.
ht_ell verbose search <name>Search your tell history for a particular name and display in verbose format.
ht_ell search <name>Search your tell history for a particular name and display it in brief/verbose format according to your verbose settings.
ht_ell briefList your last few tells in brief format.
ht_ell verboseList your last few tells in verbose format.
ht_ellList your last few tells in a brief/verbose format according to your verbose settings.
Example one
> htell ** Tue Oct 4 17:21:29 2011 ** Draconius Wyrmstalker tells you: My therapist says I'm not to let you touch me like that any more.Example two
> htell brief Draconius Wyrmstalker tells you: My therapist says I'm not to let you touch me like that any more.
See Also:
hachievements, hquests, hsoul, hskills