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This command informs the creators of typos in commands, objects (room items, normal items, NPCs, etc.), help files, and rooms. The first argument is used to specify what type of typo report it is, while the second is the name of the command, NPC, etc. The second argument is not used for rooms as "here" is implicit.
This command is also used to read any replies the creators make to specfic typo reports you made. You can read new (previously unread) typo replies with 'typo replies new' and view all (read and unread) with 'typo replies'.
If a catastrophic event has occurred, as well as typo reporting it, please contact a creator as soon as possible, or mail one.
Please use a separate report for each typo, so that each typo can be allocated and fixed in turn.
The error message is recorded in a database specific to whatever you are using the command for, so try to be specific in your use.
To report errors in rooms just stand in them and use the command.
To report errors in objects be VERY SPECIFIC. For example, if you've got three guns, don't use 'typo object gun' because the error report will go to the first gun even if it's not the one with the error. Instead, make sure which one is giving you the error and use something like 'typo object gun 2', or you can put in its full name, i.e. 'typo object really cool gun'.
To report errors in a help file, use 'typo help <name>', PLEASE only use this for reporting typos in helpfiles.
Syntax Forms
typo generalMake a general typo report.
typo command <name>Make a typo report on a specific command.
typo repliesView the replies you've had to your previous typo reports.
typo replies newView the new replies you've had to your previous typo reports.
typo web <url>Make a typo report on one of our webpages.
typo achievement <new|name>Make a typo report on an achievement.
typo quest <new|name>Make a typo report on a quest.
typo maestroMake a typo report on Maestro.
typo object name <name>Make a typo report on an object.
typo <name of NPC or item>Make a typo report on an item or NPC in your inventory or environment.
typo object <name of NPC or item>Make a typo report on an item or NPC in your inventory or environment.
typo help object <name of NPC or item>Make a typo report on the helpfile of an NPC or item.
typo help <subject>Make a typo report on a help file.
typo helpMake a typo report on our help system.
typo soul <new|soul command>Make a typo report on a soul command.
typo {room|here}Make a typo report on the current room.
typo <missing item> in {room|chat} with <reason>Make a typo report on a missing item in a room or a chat.
Example one
> typo object gun Ok, enter your text. ** on a line by itself to exit. 1 ] That's not how you spell 'fellatio'. 2 ] ** 1 lines - Choose from IDLMCESQ H for help. s Quiting and saving.Example two
> typo object zombie Ok, enter your text. ** on a line by itself to exit. 1 ] The zombie just goes 'aaaavaa' all the time. I think one of those vs should be an a 2 ] ** 1 lines - Choose from IDLMCESQ H for help. s Quiting and saving.
See Also:
bug, idea, ticket